Tuesday, January 8, 2013

One Headlight.

Sometimes having a brain that just won't shut up can be a blessing, and sometimes it can rob me of much needed sleep or distract me from paying attention to important...ooh! Look, shiny!
See, it happens.
One thing my sleepless brain likes to do is bombard me with analogies, analogies about damn near everything. I happen to like analogies, don't you like analogies? You should, they're awesome.
Stop looking at me like that.

The other night, my Muse came to me and promptly jabbed me in the eye as she often does, but not with another story idea, she came to me with another analogy. Thanks Muse! It's not like I'm trying to concentrate on finishing a book or anything!

Anyhoo, see how distracted I can get?
Carrying on...

The Immortal Tom Cochrane once said 'Life is a Highway' (Sorry Rascal Flatt fans, he did it first.) even though I absolutely hate that song, it brings up a good point, just not the way Mr. Cochrane intended...

Life CAN be viewed as a Highway. A dark, foggy highway at night. And most of us have only one headlight to light the way. Some of us are gifted with a good working pair, some of us even have the good fortune to have them stuck on 'bright'. But the majority have just the one.

In life as it is with driving, we start out afraid and cautious, flinching at everything that comes at us in the other lane. As we become more experienced, we start getting a little 'reckless' behind the wheel and taking more chances. If we manage not to wipe-out, we learn to knock that crazy shit off and become cautious again, because we know we can't afford another car, and the insurance rates for repairs are astronomical.

And both have a final destination, point A to point B and all that, both also have many different routes to take, but make no mistake, there is an end to the road, and everyone gets there, and the only real choice you have is what route and what you do to keep yourself from falling asleep at the wheel until you get there...

There WILL be crap to deal with in the road, and depending on what headlights you're equipped with will determine your ability to avoid them. IF (big IF) you even can. If you can't avoid these 'bumps in the road', you have three options.
1. Put the pedal to the metal and plow right through it and crush it under your wheels.
2. Hit the brakes, delaying the inevitable, and hope for minimal damage.
Or 3. Let Jesus take the wheel and see what happens. (Not recommended.)

As with any 'road trip' there will be interesting things to see and people to meet, you might even want to pick up a passenger or two to enjoy the ride with you, how long they ride with you depends on your driving ability. (Not THAT driving ability, get your mind out of the gutter, you sick puppy.)

But make no mistake, the ride WILL end, and you can't always control when or where. Sometimes it may end before you get where you want to go, because somewhere along the way there is a big brick wall that you cant drive around, over or under, you might see it coming, you might not, and it's at the bottom of a long steep hill and your brakes are out. You're going to hit it, and you won't walk away.

So be careful on that dark, foggy highway, kids. Buckle up and be safe out there, and remember that there are other people on the road, some have their brights on, some have one headlight, and a few unfortunate ones have no headlights at all...

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